API Docs for: 0.3.0

JQSlider Class

Plugin Constructor



  • elem
  • [options]


  • elem HTMLElement

    element to be initialized

  • [options] Object optional

    Options for the Plugin Member

    • [circular=false] Boolean optional

      You can prevent an automatic initialisation of the slider if you want to run it later on. This is than helpful, if you need the instance of the plugin to access its methods, like addSlide, but you don't want the slides to be setup. Because JQSlider adds classes to all elements that applies styling to it, like hiding not needed slides, so that it can prevent you from determining the correct height and width values of its child elements.

    • [startSlide=0] Number optional

      Defines the slide number to be shown initially

    • [duration=500] Number optional

      Duration of the animation

    • [easingFunction='linear'] String optional

      If you have included the easing plugin, you can define an easing function for the animation.

    • [containerSelector='.jqs-container'] String optional

      Define the jquery selector of the container element for querying. Must be represented in the markup.

    • [listSelector='ul'] String optional

      Define the jquery selector of the list element for querying.

    • [slideTag='li'] String optional

      Define the tag name of the slide element for querying. It will be used for building the HTML template when



  • slideNumber
  • counterwise
  • noAnimation
  • current
  • next

This function is called when the animation ends. All slides are reset to default with the next slide as current slide. It is excluded from the animation method to help building a inherited Slider class.


  • slideNumber Number

    Number of the slide that had been animated in

  • counterwise Boolean

    if true the animation will move to the left or top if it's a vertical animation

  • noAnimation Boolean

    if true the slide will be shown right away, without animation

  • current JQuery

    jQuery element of the slide that was animated out

  • next JQuery

    jQuery element of the slide that was animated in


  • prev
Number | Boolean private

Returns the zero based position of the following slider.



Number | Boolean: returns index of next slide or false


() private

Initialises the Slider controls and binds them to the previous and next methods.


() private

Initializes the slider and all slides, set class names on all objects and display the first slide


() private

Hides the previous handler, respectively next handler, if no circular animation is configured and the first, respectively last slide is reached.


  • slideNumber
  • counterwise
  • noAnimation
  • current
  • next

This function is called when the animation started. It is excluded from the animation method to help building a inherited Slider class. In this case it triggers the animation start event.


  • slideNumber Number

    Number of the slide that had been animated in

  • counterwise Boolean

    if true the animation will move to the left or top if it's a vertical animation

  • noAnimation Boolean

    if true the slide will be shown right away, without animation

  • current JQuery

    jQuery element of the slide that was animated out

  • next JQuery

    jQuery element of the slide that was animated in


  • [slidePosition]

Adds a new slide node into the slide container. Optionally the position of the new slide can be defined with slidePosition.


  • [slidePosition] Number optional

    position of the new slide to be appended to


JQuery: returns the jQuery object of the created slide


() Number

Returns the zero based length of the slides array.


Number: returns the number of all slides


  • slideNumber
  • [counterwise=false]
  • [noAnimation=false]
JQSlider chainable

Moves to the given slide number. The direction, based on the orientation (horizontal/vertical), can be set with counterwise. If you want to jump directly to the slide, without an animation, pass noAnimation as true.


  • slideNumber Number

    number of slide to go to

  • [counterwise=false] Boolean optional

    optional set to true if the animation should go to the opposite direction

  • [noAnimation=false] Boolean optional

    optional set to true if slide should be shown instantly without an animation


JQSlider: returns a chainable reference to JQSlider


() JQSlider chainable

Initializes the JQSlider plugin and binds the available events to it. Finally it triggers the init event.


JQSlider: returns a chainable reference to JQSlider


() JQSlider chainable

Moves to the next slide


JQSlider: returns a chainable reference to JQSlider


() JQSlider chainable

Moves to the previous slide


JQSlider: returns a chainable reference to JQSlider


  • slide

Removes a given slide, defined by the index or ID, or a whole jQuery slide set.



() JQSlider chainable

Switches the orientation of the slider between horizontal and vertical.


JQSlider: returns a chainable reference to JQSlider




Stores a reference to the jQuery object of the module


Array private final

alignment value shortcuts


Boolean private

set to true while animating to prevent double clicking

Default: false


Object private

reference of the slider container


Object private

jQuery set with all handlers found inside the JQSlider element with the class defined in css.handler.


Object private

reference of the slider list element


Object private

jQuery set with all handlers found inside the JQSlider element with the class defined in css.nextHandler.


Object private

Object with the configuration options of the module, the plugin defaults will be extended with options passed while initialisation and last by options set in the `data-options attribute of the HTML element of the slider


Object private

jQuery set with all handlers found inside the JQSlider element with the class defined in css.prevHandler.


Object private

jQuery set of all slide elements


String private

This "template" is used to generate new slides, it is build using the `slideTag config value.



Index of the current active slide. Can be defined by configuration or by adding the class jqs-current to the appropriate slide.

Default: 0



Stores all configuration settings, this set will be extended with client configuration objects



Defines if the layout of the slider is vertical or not. Will be defined initially by the css class 'jqs-vertical' of the element.

Default: false




You can prevent an automatic initialisation of the slider if you want to run it later on. This is than helpful, if you need the instance of the plugin to access its methods, like addSlide, but you don't want the slides to be setup. Because JQSlider adds classes to all elements that applies styling to it, like hiding not needed slides, so that it can prevent you from determining the correct height and width values of its child elements.

Default: true



Set to true, for an endless animation.

Default: false



Define the jquery selector of the container element for querying. Must be represented in the markup.

Default: '.jqs-container'



Duration of the animation

Default: 500



If you have included the easing plugin, you can define an easing function for the animation.

Default: 'linear'



Define the jquery selector of the list element for querying.

Default: 'ul'



Define the tag name of the slide element for querying. It will be used for building the HTML template when creating a new slide.

Default: 'li'



Zero based index of the slide to start with

Default: 0



maps the event gotoslide to the API methdo gotoSlide

Event Payload:

  • slideNumber Number

    number of slide to go to

  • [counterwise=false] Boolean optional

    optional set to true if the animation should go to the opposite direction

  • [noAnimation=false] Boolean optional

    optional set to true if slide should be shown instantly without an animation


maps the event next to the API method next


maps the event prev to the API method next